
Sustainability: Caring for our playground

Our approach

At Dorier, we understand that our activities contribute to carbon emissions. Given the nature of our work, it's challenging to eliminate these emissions without compromising our ability to serve you effectively. While we may not be perfect, we're deeply committed to addressing this issue.

Our approach? We take small but tangible and systematic steps everywhere we can, hopefully adding up to a giant leap towards carbon neutrality, which we want to achieve by 2050 along with the other NET ZERO CARBON EVENTS signatories. These engagements have earned us ISO 14001 certification, a milestone we're truly proud of.

But we know we can't do it alone. Collaboration with our clients and industry partners plays a crucial role in driving more sustainable practices. Together, every small change can build momentum toward a greener future.



Every action matters in reducing our carbon footprint. That’s why we’re focused on making our transport practices as eco-friendly as possible. Through partnerships and emission-reduction efforts, and with plans to invest in greener vehicles, we aim to build a sustainable transport system for the future.

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Suppliers & Partners Selection

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our own actions. It’s also about choosing partners and suppliers who share our values of environmental responsibility and ethical practices. At Dorier, we strive to collaborate with organizations that reflect these commitments.

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Event footprint tracking

Working in an industry where every event leaves an environmental footprint doesn't mean we can’t make a difference. While we don’t yet have tools to measure it, we're committed to finding solutions and collaborating with our clients to significantly reduce this impact.

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Data Management Policy

In today’s digital world, managing data often comes with a hidden environmental impact. At Dorier, we’re committed to changing that. We’re focused on adopting greener data practices as a key part of our broader environmental strategy.

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Office waste & energy policy

Our office should be more than just a workspace—it should reflect our commitment to sustainability. That’s why we integrate eco-friendly practices into every aspect of our daily operations.

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Knowledge sharing, collaboration, and clear communication are at the core of our sustainability journey. We engage our staff and stakeholders through training, team discussions, and continuous updates, ensuring everyone is aligned with our environmental goals. And we will soon implement a transparent system to track and reduce our carbon footprint, further solidifying our commitment to sustainability and driving real change for the future.

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